Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Moving Chronicles

Chapter One: My Room!

Today started late which is not really surprising as it seems like that is the new normal for us. Benjamin woke me up at around nine a.m. and we nursed, edited the video, then got up to have breakfast. But of course what would breakfast be without no clean dishes. My laundry is at my mom's house because I forgot it there when I went to visit and so that means that along with no clean dishes I also have no clean cloths to wash dishes with... Go figure.

So after taking a moment to bask in the chaos that is my household I figured it out and we ate breakfast and after that came nap time... Or should I call it wake-up-every-time-mommy-puts-me-in-my-crib time. So he slept for about five minutes in my arms and is now awake and eating a hanger. Does it make me a terrible mother that I am not stopping him? Maybe.

Anyways, I decided to start a project in my home in order to conserve some sort of sanity and some sort of delusion that I have any sort of control. That project is setting my room up. I have already set the nursery up and unfortunately when I set that up I moved everything that did not have a place into my room... Bad move. So this is what my room, if you can even call it that, looks like:

What a mess! I don't function well in mess at all and I become very lazy and very depressed so I think that it is definitely time to get this place cleaned up! 

After almost three hours, two naps, two diaper changes, and one poop explosion we are left with this:

Now that's a room! I am so happy that I cleaned it up because as much as I would like to have procrastinated I feel a million times better sleeping in a clean room and having my space be as organized as it can be right now.I still have a long way to go with this apartment but I have decided to take it one step at a time.

Until next time...

Thanks for reading!


  1. I'm the exact same way when things are a mess. You've inspired me to "think" about cleaning up! 😂

    1. Thinking about it is all I do 99% of the time ;)
