Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blogmas? - Life Update!

Hey guys!

I know I have been kind of MIA for the past little while but, honestly, I have a good excuse. I have been super busy lately because I went back to school and got my GED (yay!) and then enrolled myself in college classes for February or March! I am super excited to start this chapter of my life and start becoming the person I have always wanted to be.

That being said I am also wanting to get into blogging and doing my YouTube videos again because I have really missed having this creative outlet to talk to you guys! So to kick-start my motivation for blogging I will be doing BLOGMAS!!

What is Blogmas you ask? Basically it is a cute little tradition where you post a blog post every day for the month of December! So look forward to a lot of posts about Christmas and winter because there will be a lot of cool content coming your way. I am also considering doing a Vlogmas on my YouTube channel so also let me know if that is something you would be interested in seeing from me :)

Well guys, I just wanted to give you a mini update and let you all know what's going on in my life and I hope you are all having an amazing November! I will catch you guys next time!


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