Monday, July 10, 2017

My Top 10 Favorite Toddler Products!

OK, so no one really prepared me for the very real challenges of raising a toddler. My naive, first-time-mom brain assumed that when my son got older he would be more independent and therefore need me less. Boy, was I wrong! Not only that but I took for granted the newborn and baby stages when he didn't fight his nap and wasn't quite as needy.

Raising a toddler is not an easy feat in the least but there are some products that help out with this stage. Now that I have found some of my favorite products I thought I would share them with all of you to possibly help you survive this stage in your parenting career.


1. Tom's of Maine Mild Fruit Natural Toddler Training Toothpaste
One thing I struggle with when it comes to keeping my son clean and healthy is brushing his teeth. Before discovering this product he would only let me brush his teeth for about 3.5 seconds before he got bored and wanted to simply play with his toothbrush. Since we started using this he does a lot better and I can usually get his mouth nice and clean before he gets bored. (He even lets me brush his tongue which is basically unheard of!). A huge bonus to this toothpaste is the fact that is all natural!

2. Honest Company Shampoo & Body Wash - Sweet Orange Vanilla
I have used a lot of different baby washes on Benjamin since he was born and they all work about the same. As long as it doesn't give him a rash and smells nice I usually don't have a favorite either way. That is until I found this shampoo/body wash from The Honest Company. I already knew that I was a fan of The Honest Company because they have very natural products which is what I generally gravitate towards especially since becoming a mother but the scent that this shampoo/body wash has is what really sold me. It smells like a straight-up cream-sicle which is pretty much my favorite scent in the entire universe. I even use this body wash on myself!

Okay, so I've already gushed about the scent of the shampoo/body wash so I'm assuming you can figure out what I love the most about this too. Yep, it's the scent. I just can't get over how good it smells and I don't know if anyone else is like this but I love it when my toddler smells good. It makes me feel like I'm an awesome mom haha! This lotion is thin enough that it absorbs nicely and doesn't feel oily or greasy which I like because, like the shampoo/body wash, I use this one myself. 


This is definitely one of my favorite toys that Benjamin owns, but it's kind of for a weird reason. So, little backstory, my son has always been afraid of the vacuum. He has just never liked the loud noise but, because he's a toddler and eats everything on the floor, I have to vacuum at least once a day. This toy has really helped with that because now whenever I need to vacuum I tell him to go get his vacuum and help me and it works because he is so distracted with what he's doing he doesn't even notice the scary noise! 


Benjamin is at the age where he isn't a kid quite yet but he's definitely not a baby anymore (mommy over here holding back tears). This means that he has a little trouble with cups still but refuses to use a sippy cup. I should also mention that he has broken about ten dishes in the past month so plastic is the way to go! These are only a couple bucks at Wal-Mart and they work AWESOME! They don't leak and they are super easy to take on the go which I love. I would recommend nothing but water in these unless you have a straw cleaner because it is almost impossible to get these fully clean otherwise. (I also like the bowls and they are also really inexpensive but I didn't think they were special enough to put on this list!)

Applesauce is one of those solid, kid-friendly snacks that are always a hit, at least in my house! I like the Mott's applesauce as well but those come in a small dish that tends to get spilled all over the floor. The thing that I like the most about the GoGo SqueeZ brand is the pouches. Not only are these less prone to mess but they also keep my little one entertained while he's eating! 


As a parent, I have tried pretty much every brand of diapers from Huggies to Pampers to The Honest Company. Most diapers are pretty much the same. I wasn't the biggest fan of Pampers and The Honest Company didn't blow me out of the water (except for the adorable designs). Huggies was my diaper of choice until I found Parent's Choice. I have heard mixed reviews about this diaper but it has become my go-to choice. The thing that keeps me coming back is the price. It is a lot cheaper than most diaper brands and they have packs that are only $3-$5 which is nice when you are low on money but need diapers right away. In my opinion these perform exactly the same way as Huggies! (I also use the wipes but they are not that much cheaper than Pampers or Huggies and they perform pretty much exactly the same way!)

TV Shows:

8. Goldie and Bear

If you're a parent of a toddler you know how little quiet time there is in a day. This means that, unless you're a robot, sometimes you plug your kiddo in to the TV just to get a half an hour of peace and quiet. Goldie and Bear is one of the best ones that I've found and Benjamin seems to agree. It's the story of Goldilocks and the three bears after the breaking in and eating their porridge incident when Bear and Goldie have become best friends. I highly recommend trying it out if you have Netflix!

9. Little Baby Bum

This show keeps Benjamin busy for an hour at the very least. It is an animated TV show that has all of the nursery rhymes. I like this show because it makes me feel like he is learning something while he is watching TV. A bonus to this show is that we can practice the nursery rhymes together later which I feel is good for his development! This show is available on Netflix and YouTube which is awesome!

10. Paw Patrol

Just like a ton of other little girls and boys, my son is obsessed with Paw Patrol. This show is about dogs that save the day which is basically the best of both worlds. This show can keep Ben entertained for a very long time which I love. The only thing that sucks is that this show is not available on Netflix and I can't find it on YouTube so the only place that we watch this is on DVD! 

Those are my top ten toddler products (and TV shows). I hope you guys got some useful information from this list and please let me know in the comments section what your must-have toddler products are or what your toddler's favorite TV show is! Thanks for reading and as always have a beautiful week! 

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