Monday, July 24, 2017

My Honest Morning Routine As a SAHM To a Toddler

One thing that I have learned since becoming a toddler-mom is that routine is really everything. Children, especially young children, thrive on routine. When things are chaotic and they don't know what to expect next, they are going to tend to react to that unsteadiness and stress badly. This is why I find it so important to have a solid morning routine that both me and my son can depend on day after day.

Now, I'd like to sit here and tell you all that I wake up at 5 am and make my family an organic breakfast and we don't watch TV all day, blah blah blah... Yeah right. This is going to be my honest-to-God actual morning routine. I'm a mess just like everyone else!

DISCLAIMER: This is an average day Monday through Friday meaning that my boyfriend would be at work. If you'd like me to talk about my weekend morning routine which includes him let me know in the comments.

Waking Up - 6 am (sometimes)
I'd love to say that I wake up early every single morning to see my boyfriend off to work and then spend some time with my coffee and devotions everyday but honestly that's rarely how it goes. I will wake up anywhere from 6 am to 9 am (sometimes even 10 if Benjamin lets me get away with it.) and most of the time my boyfriend ends up kissing me on the cheek while I'm barely awake enough to say "I love you." However, on a good day I will get up at 6 and spend at least a couple of moments with him before he heads off to work for the day.

Mommy Time - 6:30 am to 8 am
If I get up before 7:30 I can usually squeeze in a little time for myself. I try not to fall into the trap of laying on the couch and turning the TV on but sometimes that does happen. What I aim for instead is to start my coffee (a necessity) and do some bullet journaling! Bullet journaling has become one of my favorite projects in the past month because it gives me a creative way to plan and it has definitely kept me more organized. I can usually get away with a half an hour to an hour and a half of mommy time before my little man wakes up.

Time To Start My Day - 8 am
Benjamin is generally up at around 7:30 to 8 am every day and, if I'm up first, it's really adorable to watch him run through the hallway to me with a huge smile and outstretched arms. We will usually cuddle on the couch for about a half an hour or so before he starts asking for "Num-Nums" and that's when I know it's time for me to get my butt up and make him some breakfast.

Breakfast - 8:30 am to 9 am
We like to switch things up when it comes to breakfast a lot in our house so it kind of depends on the day what we might be eating. Usually it is either eggs with cheese, oatmeal, or cold cereal unless I'm feeling a little extra that day! I usually try to add some fruit in with our breakfast as well and that also changes due to whatever we feel like eating. Breakfast usually takes about a half an hour and Benjamin really doesn't eat a lot at this meal.

Tidy-Up Time - 9 am to 10 am
Although I should be using this time to get the both of us ready for the day I usually use it to tidy up the kitchen and dining room from the breakfast mess (and sometimes the mess from dinner the night before... Shh). At this point Benjamin is probably watching Little Baby Bum or Strawberry Shortcake so that I can get all of the mess cleaned up in under an hour. In this time I can usually put all the food away, unload and load the dishwasher, clean the counters and floors, and put all the food away.

Time To Get Ready - 10 am to 12 pm
Getting us ready can take a long time so I am going to say a good two hours just for the sake of total transparency. Our getting ready depends on the day and what we are doing but generally we will shower or bathe, get dressed, and do hair and makeup (mostly me but, you know, Ben can be adventurous). Unless we are going somewhere this isn't rushed and it is a nice, relaxing way for us to start our day off right!

This is honestly how our mornings go most days while my boyfriend is at work. It isn't as relaxed as the mornings on the weekends but it is also not as structured as when I was in school or as it will be when I go to work at the end of this month. Right now it's what works for us.

Please leave me a comment down below letting me know what you do for your morning routine that I may have forgotten so that I can maybe add it in to mine and make my mornings a little more productive! Thanks for reading if you made it this far and I will talk to you guys next time!

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