Friday, August 4, 2017

July Recap 2017

OK guys, so I am going to try out a new kind of blog post at the end of every month which is kind of like a recap of the month and everything that happened. I feel like this will be a nice way to let you guys in to a more personal side of me and show you something other than recipes and things like that.

So July... July was pretty standard but also a very exciting month for me. I started work on the last day of July at a hospital that I have dreamed of working at since I had my son there in 2015. I am going to be working on the surgical unit as a CNA which means that I will mostly be cleaning out bedpans, doing ADL's, and making sure that pre-op and post-op patients are really well taken care of. I am really excited about this and will definitely be making more posts about this job and my career in general in the future.

Another exciting thing that happened in July is that I lost 10 lbs!! If you guys want to see a post on how I did that please let me know and I will get that up some time this month. It was a frustrating process but it was so worth it because just from the month that I have been doing this I feel so much better and I have noticed a difference in the way I look.

Other than those things there is not a whole lot to report until next month's recap. Thank you for reading and taking an interest in my personal life. I hope you guys will join me next Monday for my next post!


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