Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mamaway Ring Sling Review

The one product that one baby product I wanted the most when I had my son was a baby-wearing wrap/carrier/sling whatever. I never got one and I was super sad about it so when I got a chance to try this wrap out I jumped on it. My son is one of those babies that does not want to be put down and that makes it difficult for me to get anything done and that is where this comes in handy.

I really do like it! It is a nice color and the pattern is very boyish and adorable. The fabric is a soft but very sturdy, almost bedsheet-like material. I am glad that it is that type of material as opposed to cotton because I feel like cotton would be very droopy and not as sturdy or safe for this particular kind of baby carrier.

My son loves being in this and I love being able to put him in this and continue with whatever I am doing. I have worn this while cooking, sweeping, taking out the garbage, checking the mail, and just about anything else you can think of. It holds him well and doesn't pinch him.

One thing I will say is that you do need to switch the side that the sling is on the shoulder because it will press down on that shoulder and make it sore otherwise. I tend to switch it every half hour to hour depending on how long he is in the sling and this just helps to ensure that my shoulders don't ache later on.

Overall, I have to say that I really enjoy this sling. I think it is a really great product and it does it's job really well. I like the freedom it gives me and Ben loves that it lets me carry him pretty much constantly.

Here is a full review and demo:

You can buy it here:

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest, unbiased opinion. All opinions are 100% my own.

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