Friday, July 1, 2016

Packing List For Overnight Trips With A Baby

Going places overnight with a baby is difficult and stressful. It is a constant back-and-forth of "I think that's everything." and "What am I forgetting?!" After multiple overnight trips with my now eight month old I have basically found out what I need and what is not necessary. So to help all of you out I made up a list.

Some of these things may not apply to you and your baby. (I even added some that don't apply to my baby just to make sure I covered everything) Just ignore what doesn't apply to you!
  • Two pairs of pajamas (in case of a middle of the night diaper mishap)
  • Two outfits (because you just KNOW that if you only bring one something terrible will happen to it)
  • Formula and bottles (unless you breastfeed)
  • Soothers
  • Any lotions or things like that that you will use for his/her bedtime routine
  • Baby food and snacks
  • Spoons and bowls
  • Sippy cup
  • Blankets (A couple to be safe!)
  • Plastic bags (For dirty diapers)
  • Ziploc bags (For dirty clothes)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Pack N' Play
  • Stroller/Car seat
  • Breast pump (if you use one)
  • Diaper bag stocked with:
  1. Diapers
  2. Wipes
  3. 2 burp cloths or receiving blankets
  4. Baby powder or diaper cream (or both)
  5. Toys and books
  6. Changing pad
  7. First Aid Kit
These are just the things that I know make overnight trips easier on me and my son! If you have any additional things that I forgot to add please feel free to comment them! 

Thanks for reading!

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