Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Truth About Being A Freelance Writer... Spoiler Alert: It Sucks!

I have now been a freelance writer for almost 6 months and, frankly, it sucks. You submit thousands upon thousands of applications to do three hours worth of work and get paid $60 until god knows when when you will get another job that you will work three hours and get paid probably less.

It's hard to never know when your next paycheck is going to come, I was one of the lucky few who found a job in the first month or so that gives me consistent work. I love this job and I still work it every day. Unfortunately, I only make $300 a month right now! This is not anything against the client I have right now of course because he is great, but I need to vent. You can see where I am coming from when I say that freelancing sucks.

It's hard and exhausting and it sucks everything you have out of you to constantly get rejected. Spending hours scrolling through job postings hoping to find anything. It is exhausting.

The one good thing that I can say about freelancing is that it allows me to stay at home with my son. My beautiful, intelligent, adorable, chubby son. I get to cherish every moment of his life and I get to watch him as he grows and learns and becomes this amazing little boy.

That is why I freelance. That is the only reason I still have this job (not the consistent one. Let me reiterate I love that job) because, honestly, it might be harder than any job I have ever had. He keeps me going and he is what makes me get out of bed in the morning.

If you don't have a child and you are considering freelancing, definitely think long and hard about it before quitting your day job...

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