Sunday, August 7, 2016

10 Tips To Help You Drink More Water!

By now everyone knows that one of the key points in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to drink a lot of water. Experts recommend that adults consume about two liters of water a day which usually ends up being about eight 8-ounce glasses. This is often referred to as the 8x8 rule.

Now I don’t know about you, but I usually slack when it comes to drinking water. I also tend to think that I have had a lot more than I really have. This can be an easy trap to fall into and it can end up leaving you dehydrated which can cause headaches, nausea, fatigue, and can actually reduce your brain’s ability to function properly.

With a lot of trial and error, I have come up with a couple of different ways to not only make sure you are drinking enough but also encourage you to drink enough. These solutions have worked great for me and have definitely played a major role in my ability to drink as much water as my body needs!


Hack #1 -- Carry it with you!
This may seem like a no-brainer and a lot of people probably already do this but carrying around a water bottle wherever you go will do a great deal in encouraging you to drink enough. When you have a bottle with you 24/7 you are more likely to sip on it even subconsciously.

Hack #2 -- Make your water taste yummy!
This hack is my personal favorite and the one that has definitely made the biggest difference when it comes to wanting to drink more water. What I like to do is cut up a lemon or two and put them into a pitcher. I will then fill the pitcher with water and put it in the fridge. I like to leave it overnight so that the lemon infuses the water with it’s juices. The next morning it tastes delicious and has the added bonus of the detoxifying properties of lemons!

(You can also do hack #2 with any fruit you like including berries, grapefruit, melons, or even mint and cucumber! Be creative and find what works for you!)

Hack #3 -- Use your smartphone!
Most adults have their smartphones with them 24/7 anyways so why not put it to good use! You can download a smartphone app that will actually track how much water you have consumed that day! This is amazing for that person (*Ahem* me) who thinks they drink more water than they do! With these apps you can put in what your daily activity level is, your weight, and your age along with a few small details that will vary with each app and it will give you an estimated goal of how much water to drink. Every time you drink you add it to the app. This makes it easy to track it and, for me, makes me want to drink more so that I can add another glass to the app.

(If you don’t want to download an app, an alarm on your phone about every hour or so will do the trick just as well!)

Hack #4 -- Water first!
A trick that I have found to be useful is this simple rule “Water first.” Confused? Stick with me. So basically, if I want to have anything besides water to drink (milk, juice, soda, etc.) Then I have to drink an 8-ounce glass of water first! This does two things. First, it makes sure that I am drinking enough of the good stuff and secondly, it tells me whether or not I really want to drink that other liquid. More times than I can count I have wanted to get a glass of juice and I have followed my rule of water first. After my water I have decided that I don’t really care for juice after all!

Hack #5 -- Water in, water out!
A great habit to get into is getting a glass of water after every bathroom break. This replenishes the water and prevents dehydration which is a big bonus. After a while you will find that you automatically go for a glass of water after you pee because you have trained your body to do that!

Hack #6 -- Eat your water?!
Okay, this one may seem a little silly but a great way to get some sneaky extra water into your body is to eat it! You can get great hydration from eating water-rich foods like watermelon, zucchini, grapefruit, and cucumber to name a few. These will not only do a great deal in improving your daily hydration but they will also make you feel amazing!

Hack #7 -- Start and end your day with water
We humans are creatures of habit. This means that we tend to follow the same routine everyday whether or not that is don consciously or not. One of the best things you can do is make the habits and the routine that you follow as healthy as you can. That is why I like to make sure that I drink a glass of water in the morning and a glass of water before bed. That way I am starting and ending my day on the right note. It is also a good idea to bring a bottle of water to bed with you so that you can drink some if you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night.

Hack #8 -- Drink with a straw
This one is great if not very sneaky. Drinking with a straw means that you will drink more and you will drink faster and the best part is you won’t even know anything is different. You can buy water bottles that have straws built into them so that you are mixing the best of both worlds and maximizing your water intake!

Hack #9 -- Dilute your juice!
This one is great for when you just can’t resist that sugary juice! Adding some water to it and making it a little bit less sweet and strong can be a great way to get some extra hydration! I have gotten to the point where juice that is fully flavored tastes sickeningly sweet to me and I absolutely have to dilute it! I usually like to go about half juice/half water but you can work with whatever ratios you want. You can start by adding a splash of water and building your way up to 50/50.

(You can also add sparkling water to juice to make a “homemade soda” type of thing.)

Hack #10 -- Hydrate before you eat.
I have noticed that drinking an 8-ounce glass of water before I eat has done wonders. Sitting down to eat is a great reminder to grab a glass of water. A bonus to doing this is that drinking a glass of water will curb some of the hunger. (Of course you should never substitute water for food. Your body needs food’s nutrients to survive as well!) I will sometimes even sip a glass of water while I eat but I try not to because it can hinder your body’s ability to digest properly.

(Drinking a glass of water after a meal can also be a really great habit to form.)

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