Friday, August 19, 2016

How To Grow Your YouTube Channel FAST!

1.       Be Consistent!
Probably the most crucial step in developing and maintaining a substantial following is to be consistent in your video posting. A lot of times you will lose subscribers interest when you go long periods of time without posting and that will result in them un-subscribing. You don’t want that! A great way to avoid that is to have a specific day set that you will upload a new video. I recommend posting at least once a week but you could even post every day if you have the time. Lord knows I don't. You could also either set aside specific days to film and edit your videos or else you could just work on them throughout the week!

2.       Utilize Social Media!
This is a great way to grow your channel that only takes seconds out of your day! To promote my channel I use SnapChat, Instagram, and Twitter. There is also Facebook and Tumblr as well as countless other sites that you can use to attract attention to yourself and your YouTube channel. All you have to do is make an account for your brand or use an existing account and then take time to post on them each day. I try to post on each account at least once a day and try to comment and like other people’s posts as well. It literally takes seconds and will make a huge difference!

3.       Interact With Subscribers and Followers!
This is a big one but it isn’t something that a lot of people think of! Interacting with the people that follow you is a huge deal because they are taking time out of their day and their busy schedule to watch your video and comment. You can pay them back by simply commenting back or tweeting back. I have had subscribers and followers tell me that it means a lot that I answer them. On my videos I try to answer every single comment that I get and on my social media I make it a point to like the tweets I get at the very least!

4.       Put Out Quality Content!
This one is a no-brainer but it really is super important! I have seen YouTube channels that seem to just pump out content just to get the views or the money but these channels very rarely do well. This is for two reasons. Reason one is that they don’t put effort into their videos. Sometimes they are un-edited or have bad lighting (We will talk about those in a second as well) and sometimes they are just not good videos. The second reason is that people can tell that the person is not being genuine. My advice to you is it is better to upload one great video a week than to upload seven crappy videos a week.

If you are trying to grow your channel and social media and frequent uploading are not giving you the exposure you want, try collaborating with other YouTubers! Find a YouTuber that has around the same amount of subscribers as you and either make a video together or you can each make a separate video that has the same theme, etc. This is a great way to get your channel name out there and start reaching a bigger number of people.

(I’d like to make a point to say this: try reaching out to people who have the same or very similar amount of subscribers as you! Don’t expect to collaborate with someone who has 10,000 subscribers when you have 37!)

I cannot stress the importance of a good thumbnail enough. It is the first thing people see before clicking on your videos. If you don’t have an interesting, bright, colorful thumbnail nobody is going to want to click on your video. I like to use Picmonkey.Com to edit my thumbnails. I will brighten them up, add some contrast so that they pop! Then I will add some text and even an emoji or two! If you have an interesting thumbnail you will have a ton more views.

7.       Edit Your Videos!
OK, so now that you have an awesome thumbnail and people are going to click on your videos. Now to make them watch the whole thing. Editing is super important for keeping the flow of the video going smoothly and to keep it interesting. You can edit out the long breaths, boring parts, and places that you may have rambled for long. You can also add music to your video to liven the entire video up. You don’t have to spend your next paycheck on one of those expensive editing softwares. If you are editing on a Windows computer you can use Windows Movie Maker. If you are editing on an Apple computer you can use iMovie. You can even find a ton of free editing software if you don’t have a computer and you are editing on your cell phone!

8.       Have Good Lighting!
This is one of those things that really affects the quality of your video. Having a bright video will really enhance it and make it more fun to watch. This is especially crucial if you are planning on doing makeup videos or anything like that. Again, you don’t have to drop a ton of money on super expensive lighting. Instead, park yourself in front of a big window preferably covered by a sheer curtain. This will provide perfect lighting for any video you want to film!

9.       INVEST!
Invest! Invest time, invest money, and invest effort into your YouTube channel! You will get out what you put in and if you work your butt off you will notice the results. You can invest money by saving up to get a good camera, a good computer, or even a new backdrop! Whatever you think will make your channel better!

10.   Be Yourself!

If you only take one piece of advice from this entire article, take this one because I really can’t stress how important it really is! People can tell when you are being fake. The whole point of YouTube is to broadcast YOURSELF and that’s what people want to see. Trust me, your channel will get so much more attention if you’re real!

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