Wednesday, September 14, 2016

5 Reasons Adulting Sucks!

If I have learned one thing about being an adult it is that you stress. You stress and you stress even when there is nothing to stress about. Then you stress about stressing. Money, kids, jobs, relationships, payments. Everything is stressful when you are in charge and that sucks!

You’d think that this would be one of those adult things that is awesome but, really, being in charge of money sucks! It means that you have to be 100% responsible all the time and you can’t buy that new dress you’ve been eyeing unless you can fit it into the budget. Nothing is free these days either! You have to pay for water, lights, heat, and everything else you can think of.

Did you know that food doesn’t just magically appear in the cupboards? Me neither until I moved out with my son and opened my cupboards for the first time. Also side not: FOOD IS EXPENSIVE. Why do we have to pay so much to not die?! That seems unfair to me but whatever. Anyways grocery shopping sucks. You get the point.

Okay, so this sort of ties into the money thing but I definitely think that it is so awful that it deserves it’s very own section. BUDGETING SUCKS! You have to decide how much money goes where and when it goes there and no one ever thinks to add a makeup budget because APPARENTLY lights, food, and heat are more “Important.” It basically means that you have to create something that parents you after your parent is done.

This is probably the absolute worst part about being an adult. You go to sleep one night seventeen with hope in your eyes and wake up eighteen and everyone expects you to have your shit figured out and suddenly you die a little inside… Well that went to a dark place.

On the bright side you can buy alcohol so… It’s not all bad!

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