Sunday, September 4, 2016

Rimmel London Exaggerate Liquid Eyeliner

If you know me,  you know liquid eyeliner is a must-have. I need it in my life. I cannot count how many liquid eyeliners I have gone through since I started wearing makeup regularly. I tend to just grab the first one I see in the drugstore, try it, and decide if I like it along the way.

This liquid eyeliner did not make my favorites list, unfortunately. Generally, I like the brand Rimmel. I think it's a good quality brand that is pretty affordable. But I wasn't a super big fan of this particular product.

My reason for that is 90% the applicator. It is a rock hard, pointed tip which is way to thick to even have a chance of making a thin line. The other 10% reason this is on my no-buy list is the formula. It has the tendency to smudge and weep especially in the inner corner of my eye. Not great.
It retails for $5.99 so it is an affordable option. But I have found other ones, even cheaper alternatives, that work better. This is one that I will not be repurchasing. 

Leave a comment below if you have a liquid eyeliner for me to try and, if you have tried this eyeliner, comment your thoughts. Thanks for reading!

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