Friday, August 4, 2017

July Recap 2017

OK guys, so I am going to try out a new kind of blog post at the end of every month which is kind of like a recap of the month and everything that happened. I feel like this will be a nice way to let you guys in to a more personal side of me and show you something other than recipes and things like that.

So July... July was pretty standard but also a very exciting month for me. I started work on the last day of July at a hospital that I have dreamed of working at since I had my son there in 2015. I am going to be working on the surgical unit as a CNA which means that I will mostly be cleaning out bedpans, doing ADL's, and making sure that pre-op and post-op patients are really well taken care of. I am really excited about this and will definitely be making more posts about this job and my career in general in the future.

Another exciting thing that happened in July is that I lost 10 lbs!! If you guys want to see a post on how I did that please let me know and I will get that up some time this month. It was a frustrating process but it was so worth it because just from the month that I have been doing this I feel so much better and I have noticed a difference in the way I look.

Other than those things there is not a whole lot to report until next month's recap. Thank you for reading and taking an interest in my personal life. I hope you guys will join me next Monday for my next post!


Monday, July 24, 2017

My Honest Morning Routine As a SAHM To a Toddler

One thing that I have learned since becoming a toddler-mom is that routine is really everything. Children, especially young children, thrive on routine. When things are chaotic and they don't know what to expect next, they are going to tend to react to that unsteadiness and stress badly. This is why I find it so important to have a solid morning routine that both me and my son can depend on day after day.

Now, I'd like to sit here and tell you all that I wake up at 5 am and make my family an organic breakfast and we don't watch TV all day, blah blah blah... Yeah right. This is going to be my honest-to-God actual morning routine. I'm a mess just like everyone else!

DISCLAIMER: This is an average day Monday through Friday meaning that my boyfriend would be at work. If you'd like me to talk about my weekend morning routine which includes him let me know in the comments.

Waking Up - 6 am (sometimes)
I'd love to say that I wake up early every single morning to see my boyfriend off to work and then spend some time with my coffee and devotions everyday but honestly that's rarely how it goes. I will wake up anywhere from 6 am to 9 am (sometimes even 10 if Benjamin lets me get away with it.) and most of the time my boyfriend ends up kissing me on the cheek while I'm barely awake enough to say "I love you." However, on a good day I will get up at 6 and spend at least a couple of moments with him before he heads off to work for the day.

Mommy Time - 6:30 am to 8 am
If I get up before 7:30 I can usually squeeze in a little time for myself. I try not to fall into the trap of laying on the couch and turning the TV on but sometimes that does happen. What I aim for instead is to start my coffee (a necessity) and do some bullet journaling! Bullet journaling has become one of my favorite projects in the past month because it gives me a creative way to plan and it has definitely kept me more organized. I can usually get away with a half an hour to an hour and a half of mommy time before my little man wakes up.

Time To Start My Day - 8 am
Benjamin is generally up at around 7:30 to 8 am every day and, if I'm up first, it's really adorable to watch him run through the hallway to me with a huge smile and outstretched arms. We will usually cuddle on the couch for about a half an hour or so before he starts asking for "Num-Nums" and that's when I know it's time for me to get my butt up and make him some breakfast.

Breakfast - 8:30 am to 9 am
We like to switch things up when it comes to breakfast a lot in our house so it kind of depends on the day what we might be eating. Usually it is either eggs with cheese, oatmeal, or cold cereal unless I'm feeling a little extra that day! I usually try to add some fruit in with our breakfast as well and that also changes due to whatever we feel like eating. Breakfast usually takes about a half an hour and Benjamin really doesn't eat a lot at this meal.

Tidy-Up Time - 9 am to 10 am
Although I should be using this time to get the both of us ready for the day I usually use it to tidy up the kitchen and dining room from the breakfast mess (and sometimes the mess from dinner the night before... Shh). At this point Benjamin is probably watching Little Baby Bum or Strawberry Shortcake so that I can get all of the mess cleaned up in under an hour. In this time I can usually put all the food away, unload and load the dishwasher, clean the counters and floors, and put all the food away.

Time To Get Ready - 10 am to 12 pm
Getting us ready can take a long time so I am going to say a good two hours just for the sake of total transparency. Our getting ready depends on the day and what we are doing but generally we will shower or bathe, get dressed, and do hair and makeup (mostly me but, you know, Ben can be adventurous). Unless we are going somewhere this isn't rushed and it is a nice, relaxing way for us to start our day off right!

This is honestly how our mornings go most days while my boyfriend is at work. It isn't as relaxed as the mornings on the weekends but it is also not as structured as when I was in school or as it will be when I go to work at the end of this month. Right now it's what works for us.

Please leave me a comment down below letting me know what you do for your morning routine that I may have forgotten so that I can maybe add it in to mine and make my mornings a little more productive! Thanks for reading if you made it this far and I will talk to you guys next time!

Monday, July 17, 2017

5 Ways To Make Some Extra Cash Fast!

I don't think any of us would ever turn down a chance to make some extra cash but sometimes it is hard to find these opportunities. To make it easier on you, I have compiled a list of some of the ways that I have made extra money in the past and hopefully you can in the future!

1. Swagbucks

This one is probably the easiest and simplest way to make a little extra pocket change. Plus there are so many different ways to make money through Swagbucks. Some of my favorites are watching videos which you can get 2 to 3 Swagbucks per playlist, playing games, and doing surveys which you can make 50 to a couple hundred per survey. You'll be surprised how fast they rack up and you can cash them out and redeem gift cards to multiple places or even send them to your PayPal!

2. Donate Plasma

Donating plasma is something that I have recently discovered and it is actually kind of a cool way to make money if you're not afraid of needles although it really shouldn't be called donating since you get paid almost fifty dollars a session at some places! The place that I goes pays up to $70 a week and I go in for two sessions a week which makes $65 a week. Not only are you making a little extra money, you are also helping someone improve their quality of life through plasma donation. But if you are squeamish around blood, this may not be your thing...

3. Declutter Your Unwanted Things

I'm sure you've heard of this to some extent but it is always a good thing to keep in mind because most of us have at least a few items laying around that they don't need anymore. If the item is in good condition then you should definitely consider listing it on an online consignment website. Some of the most popular ones are LetGo, Depop, Mercari, Poshmark, and good ole Facebook. This means you'll have some change in your pocket and plus you'll be recycling which is good for the environment. 

4. Ebates

Ebates is awesome simply because you make money so passively and on something that most of us love doing: ONLINE SHOPPING! This website lets you simply earn money for shopping online through retailers that give you anywhere from 1% to 40% cashback on your purchases! This does take time to rack up money depending on how often you shop online and how much money you spend. This is something that you should always use though!

5. Upwork

This is the website that I used to do freelancing through. It does a great job of hooking up clients with freelancers and it puts the money that you are promised in escrow which means that your clients can't rip you off. This is a great option if you have any special skills like a talent for writing, a knack for web page development, or you speak multiple languages fluently you should consider using them to make some money on Upwork. These are only a couple of the things that clients are looking for!

FTC: Some links are referral links.

Monday, July 10, 2017

My Top 10 Favorite Toddler Products!

OK, so no one really prepared me for the very real challenges of raising a toddler. My naive, first-time-mom brain assumed that when my son got older he would be more independent and therefore need me less. Boy, was I wrong! Not only that but I took for granted the newborn and baby stages when he didn't fight his nap and wasn't quite as needy.

Raising a toddler is not an easy feat in the least but there are some products that help out with this stage. Now that I have found some of my favorite products I thought I would share them with all of you to possibly help you survive this stage in your parenting career.


1. Tom's of Maine Mild Fruit Natural Toddler Training Toothpaste
One thing I struggle with when it comes to keeping my son clean and healthy is brushing his teeth. Before discovering this product he would only let me brush his teeth for about 3.5 seconds before he got bored and wanted to simply play with his toothbrush. Since we started using this he does a lot better and I can usually get his mouth nice and clean before he gets bored. (He even lets me brush his tongue which is basically unheard of!). A huge bonus to this toothpaste is the fact that is all natural!

2. Honest Company Shampoo & Body Wash - Sweet Orange Vanilla
I have used a lot of different baby washes on Benjamin since he was born and they all work about the same. As long as it doesn't give him a rash and smells nice I usually don't have a favorite either way. That is until I found this shampoo/body wash from The Honest Company. I already knew that I was a fan of The Honest Company because they have very natural products which is what I generally gravitate towards especially since becoming a mother but the scent that this shampoo/body wash has is what really sold me. It smells like a straight-up cream-sicle which is pretty much my favorite scent in the entire universe. I even use this body wash on myself!

Okay, so I've already gushed about the scent of the shampoo/body wash so I'm assuming you can figure out what I love the most about this too. Yep, it's the scent. I just can't get over how good it smells and I don't know if anyone else is like this but I love it when my toddler smells good. It makes me feel like I'm an awesome mom haha! This lotion is thin enough that it absorbs nicely and doesn't feel oily or greasy which I like because, like the shampoo/body wash, I use this one myself. 


This is definitely one of my favorite toys that Benjamin owns, but it's kind of for a weird reason. So, little backstory, my son has always been afraid of the vacuum. He has just never liked the loud noise but, because he's a toddler and eats everything on the floor, I have to vacuum at least once a day. This toy has really helped with that because now whenever I need to vacuum I tell him to go get his vacuum and help me and it works because he is so distracted with what he's doing he doesn't even notice the scary noise! 


Benjamin is at the age where he isn't a kid quite yet but he's definitely not a baby anymore (mommy over here holding back tears). This means that he has a little trouble with cups still but refuses to use a sippy cup. I should also mention that he has broken about ten dishes in the past month so plastic is the way to go! These are only a couple bucks at Wal-Mart and they work AWESOME! They don't leak and they are super easy to take on the go which I love. I would recommend nothing but water in these unless you have a straw cleaner because it is almost impossible to get these fully clean otherwise. (I also like the bowls and they are also really inexpensive but I didn't think they were special enough to put on this list!)

Applesauce is one of those solid, kid-friendly snacks that are always a hit, at least in my house! I like the Mott's applesauce as well but those come in a small dish that tends to get spilled all over the floor. The thing that I like the most about the GoGo SqueeZ brand is the pouches. Not only are these less prone to mess but they also keep my little one entertained while he's eating! 


As a parent, I have tried pretty much every brand of diapers from Huggies to Pampers to The Honest Company. Most diapers are pretty much the same. I wasn't the biggest fan of Pampers and The Honest Company didn't blow me out of the water (except for the adorable designs). Huggies was my diaper of choice until I found Parent's Choice. I have heard mixed reviews about this diaper but it has become my go-to choice. The thing that keeps me coming back is the price. It is a lot cheaper than most diaper brands and they have packs that are only $3-$5 which is nice when you are low on money but need diapers right away. In my opinion these perform exactly the same way as Huggies! (I also use the wipes but they are not that much cheaper than Pampers or Huggies and they perform pretty much exactly the same way!)

TV Shows:

8. Goldie and Bear

If you're a parent of a toddler you know how little quiet time there is in a day. This means that, unless you're a robot, sometimes you plug your kiddo in to the TV just to get a half an hour of peace and quiet. Goldie and Bear is one of the best ones that I've found and Benjamin seems to agree. It's the story of Goldilocks and the three bears after the breaking in and eating their porridge incident when Bear and Goldie have become best friends. I highly recommend trying it out if you have Netflix!

9. Little Baby Bum

This show keeps Benjamin busy for an hour at the very least. It is an animated TV show that has all of the nursery rhymes. I like this show because it makes me feel like he is learning something while he is watching TV. A bonus to this show is that we can practice the nursery rhymes together later which I feel is good for his development! This show is available on Netflix and YouTube which is awesome!

10. Paw Patrol

Just like a ton of other little girls and boys, my son is obsessed with Paw Patrol. This show is about dogs that save the day which is basically the best of both worlds. This show can keep Ben entertained for a very long time which I love. The only thing that sucks is that this show is not available on Netflix and I can't find it on YouTube so the only place that we watch this is on DVD! 

Those are my top ten toddler products (and TV shows). I hope you guys got some useful information from this list and please let me know in the comments section what your must-have toddler products are or what your toddler's favorite TV show is! Thanks for reading and as always have a beautiful week! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

5 Shows To Binge Watch On Netflix

If you are anything like me, you probably love to spend hours watching shows on Netflix in your free time. Whether you are spending time with your significant other or curling up alone, it can be hard to find a show that you want to watch. Searching can take hours out of your precious quiet time and no one wants to sacrifice all that.

1. Grey's Anatomy

If you love a good mixture of drama, comedy, and crime shows then you will love Grey's Anatomy. This show has surgical drama coming out the wazoo and will make you laugh and cry all in the same episode. It follows Dr. Meredith Grey and her coworkers through the trials and tribulations that come along with daily life as a surgeon in Seattle.

2. Orange Is The New Black

This Netflix original quickly gained popularity and for good reason. OITNB follows Piper as she navigates life in an women's correctional facility. This makes for very good television filled with drama, comedy, and some gripping backstories of her and her fellow inmates. The only problem is you may want to ration out the episodes because you are going to have to wait a year for the next season.

3. Bones

This is great if you love the scientific side of crime scene investigation. Bones is all about a forensic anthropologist, Temperance Brennan, and her partner at the FBI, Seeley Booth. They work together to find murderers through evidence left behind in the victim's bones. This is not for someone with a weak stomach because it is a gorey television program with a lot of rotting corpses.

4. Scrubs

If you are more of the all-comedy type, this is the one for you. Scrubs is about J.D., a young doctor that has multiple satirical daydreams throughout his day at the hospital. This has very little drama but it is still tucked in there once in a while to give the show some substance. With nine episodes on Netflix, it is the perfect binge-show. 

5. Young And Hungry

Another all-comedy show with a few moments of drama is Young And Hungry. This Freeform show follows chef Gabi Diamond while she works for millionare Josh Kaminski, the man she also has a huge crush on. This all makes for an amusing and gripping TV show that is perfect for curling up in your sweatpants and watching on a Saturday afternoon.