Friday, April 6, 2018

My Summer Slimdown - Friday, April 6th, 2018 | Fitness Friday

I don't know about you but I am in the mood to be super hot this summer. One of my goals is to get rid of this mom belly that I have been carrying around for two and a half years now and feel comfortable in a bikini. I wanted to share this journey with all of you so that maybe you can get some inspiration and join in with me and it will also keep me accountable... I think. I am going to be very raw with you guys here which will include pictures. This is something that makes me nervous simply because I am not super happy with where my body is at but I hope that you will all respect me and realize that this is just where I am with my journey right now.

Weight - 156.4
Height - 5'4"
BMI - 26.8 (overweight)
Bust - 38"
Waist - 33"
Hips - 39"
Butt - 41"
Thighs - 24 1/2"
Bicep - 11 3/4"

What I'm Doing

For this first week I want to just ease in and make sure I don't overwhelm myself too much so as far as diet went, one of the main things I watched was my added sugar intake. I started drinking my coffee breve and with no syrup (I work in a coffee shop). I also cut soda out completely which is a challenge for me because I have a slight soda addiction. One other thing that I am doing but I'm not going to be too cautious of is cutting down on carbs slightly. I am still eating pasta, just not as often and smaller servings. I am also trying to drink 80 ounces of water a day at the very minimum!

I am going to be straight up honest with you guys and tell you that I don't like to work out. I don't have a lot of time in my day and I spend most of the day being active anyways. I might start integrating workouts as I go but as far as the first week goes I am going to just make sure I am up walking and not sitting on my butt as much as possible as well as doing softball practice since it's warming up outside. Easing in, remember?

My Goals:
So I am thinking that I will keep these posts up until at least the 22nd of June which is the Friday after the first day of summer. That being said, I don't expect to look like a Victoria's Secret model in three months but I would like to see some visible changes. I do want to lose some weight but I don't have a set number and I want to see some change with my stomach. I think I would like to lose three inches minimum on my waist!

I am so excited to change my body and my life and I hope you guys will join me on this journey!

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