Friday, April 13, 2018

Summer Slimdown - One Week Check-in | Fitness Friday

This first week has been awesome! I feel better and I look better (in my opinion). I am excited to see what kind of changes happen in the next 10 weeks. The changes aren't extremely apparent in these pictures but my stomach feels so much less bloated and swollen than it did a week ago! Plus my measurements are already starting to change.

Weight - 155.2 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
Height - 5'4"
BMI - 26.6 (overweight)
Bust - 38 1/2" (no change)
Waist - 32" (-1")
Hips - 38 1/2" (-1/2")
Butt - 40 1/4" (-3/4)
Thighs - 24 1/4" (-1/4")
Bicep - 10 3/4" (-1")

Updates on what I'm doing:

I have not had ONE SINGLE SODA POP and I am so proud of myself. Like I said last week in my starting point post ( I have a soda addiction. It was hard to kick it in the butt but I think I did a pretty decent job. I definitely noticed that I am less bloated now that I'm not consuming 1-3 cans of carbonated sugar a day! I also have been really good about drinking my coffee unsweetened. Sunday is my cheat day so I will let myself have creamer in my coffee on Sunday's but that's it. I also did not deprive myself this week which was really important to me. I didn't have time to pack a lunch a couple of mornings and I had to order something but what I did was just try to order the healthiest option and STOP EATING WHEN I WAS FULL! The main thing I focused on with diet was being conscious of what I was eating and just making the healthiest choices I could without burning out. No one wants to eat nothing but grilled chicken and broccoli, you know?

OK, I know I said I wasn't going to do any kind of workouts but I sort of did. I just did fun things like play basketball for an hour (which burns a lot of calories actually) and walked places instead of driving. I just felt so good that I wanted to jumpstart it even more. Then towards the end of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Today) I went to the gym and it felt so good to be working out again. I feel like I forgot that I don't actually hate working out. I just need motivation sometimes.

I think when I reach 140 pounds I might reward myself by buying either some cute workout clothes or some 1Up Nutrition products! You gotta give yourself something to work towards. :)

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