Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Huggies Glass Debacle

Earlier this month, I stumbled across a video in which Melissa Estrella, a mother from Camarillo, California expresses concern after finding what she says is glass or fiberglass in her package of Huggies wipes.

(While writing this article I searched for the original video online and couldn't find it. I'm not sure if it was removed but I was not able to locate it for you guys so I'm sorry if you haven't already seen it.)

After searching online to see what Huggies had to say about this, I found that they said that this wasn't glass and was in fact shiny fibers created during the manufacturing process. They informed worried parents that they could find answers to any further questions at https://www.huggies.com/en-us/wipes-faq

I had recently purchased this container of Huggies wipes for the son I am expecting come November. I had chosen this one because of the Winnie The Pooh packaging. I just thought it was so cute!
Of course I opened my it to investigate further and found that, yes, there were small, rough patches on the wipes. I tested a couple different ones and found that they all had this problem. What I found didn't feel like glass, and instead felt like a small chunk of hardened glue or just a rough patch in the wipe. Below are two different wipes that I tried out. You can see in the picture between my fingers where the rough patches are.

In conclusion, although I found no glass in my box of Huggies wipes, I was unhappy with how rough they were and would not use them on my sensitive newborn's bum because of the patches and chunks of glue. I am glad that I purchased Pampers wipes as my refills and I will hopefully like those better. I will do a review on them when I open them. Leave a comment below and tell me if you had a problem with Huggies wipes and leave suggestions of new brands of wipes that have worked for you in the past. Thanks for reading!

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