Thursday, October 1, 2015


Okay guys, this post is going a little away from my usual. Generally, I post about beauty products and review what worked for me and what didn't. But I thought I would share something a little different today. I am sharing this for any stay-at-home moms, college students that are too busy to keep a job, or just anyone who wants to make a little extra cash.

I am talking about I love this website and I am not even exaggerating. Basically, what it is is a website that you go on and you take surveys, watch videos, play games, and a lot of other things, and for everything you do you earn swagbucks. The number of swagbucks varies depending on the activity you did, but 100 swagbucks is equal to $1.00.

When you have enough swagbucks and you want to cash out, you can cash out in return for gift cards. They have Amazon gift cards, Target gift cards, Visa gift cards. And that's just naming a few.

Just thought that I would share that with you guys. Check it out. Thanks for reading!

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