Sunday, December 4, 2016

I Failed Already...

Hey guys!

So last post I said that I wanted to do blogmas. Well... It's December 4th and still no posts that are even Christmas related. I'm sorry you guys! I know I should get better at keeping my promises but I have been so busy. Basically, I have been working super hard lately and trying to figure out how I am going to make Christmas work on my VERY tight budget so... I give up haha!

I still do want to get some Christmas themed posts up on here but I am not making any promises (we all see how that turns out!) but I am going to try! Until then I want you all to comment down below on what you did this Thanksgiving. I went to my Grandma's and had Thanksgiving with my family and my boyfriend and it was definitely a lot of fun :)

I also wanted to share how cute my nails looked on Thanksgiving!! So festive.

I really loved them! If you wanna see more of my nail looks (I do them myself unless it's a super special occasion and I get coffin nails!) then definitely follow me on Instagram. My username is @ginnydianayt 

Well guys, I just wanted to update you all on everything. Thanks for reading. 


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blogmas? - Life Update!

Hey guys!

I know I have been kind of MIA for the past little while but, honestly, I have a good excuse. I have been super busy lately because I went back to school and got my GED (yay!) and then enrolled myself in college classes for February or March! I am super excited to start this chapter of my life and start becoming the person I have always wanted to be.

That being said I am also wanting to get into blogging and doing my YouTube videos again because I have really missed having this creative outlet to talk to you guys! So to kick-start my motivation for blogging I will be doing BLOGMAS!!

What is Blogmas you ask? Basically it is a cute little tradition where you post a blog post every day for the month of December! So look forward to a lot of posts about Christmas and winter because there will be a lot of cool content coming your way. I am also considering doing a Vlogmas on my YouTube channel so also let me know if that is something you would be interested in seeing from me :)

Well guys, I just wanted to give you a mini update and let you all know what's going on in my life and I hope you are all having an amazing November! I will catch you guys next time!


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Yummy Berry Blast Oatmeal

If you are looking for a way to switch up this amazing, nutritious breakfast then you have definitely found it. Oatmeal is a staple breakfast food in many homes in the U.S. and not only is it delicious but it is also a great way to start your day! This is one of my favorite ways to make my oatmeal in the morning.

  • Oatmeal
  • Milk or Water
  • Mixed Berries (Fresh or Frozen)
  • Chia Seeds (Optional)
  • Honey or Agave Nectar (Optional

  1. Prepare the oatmeal according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Stir in mixed berries
  3. Top with chia seeds and agave nectar (optional)
How easy was that! The whole process took me under ten minutes and ends up tasting absolutely delicious. I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

5 Reasons Adulting Sucks!

If I have learned one thing about being an adult it is that you stress. You stress and you stress even when there is nothing to stress about. Then you stress about stressing. Money, kids, jobs, relationships, payments. Everything is stressful when you are in charge and that sucks!

You’d think that this would be one of those adult things that is awesome but, really, being in charge of money sucks! It means that you have to be 100% responsible all the time and you can’t buy that new dress you’ve been eyeing unless you can fit it into the budget. Nothing is free these days either! You have to pay for water, lights, heat, and everything else you can think of.

Did you know that food doesn’t just magically appear in the cupboards? Me neither until I moved out with my son and opened my cupboards for the first time. Also side not: FOOD IS EXPENSIVE. Why do we have to pay so much to not die?! That seems unfair to me but whatever. Anyways grocery shopping sucks. You get the point.

Okay, so this sort of ties into the money thing but I definitely think that it is so awful that it deserves it’s very own section. BUDGETING SUCKS! You have to decide how much money goes where and when it goes there and no one ever thinks to add a makeup budget because APPARENTLY lights, food, and heat are more “Important.” It basically means that you have to create something that parents you after your parent is done.

This is probably the absolute worst part about being an adult. You go to sleep one night seventeen with hope in your eyes and wake up eighteen and everyone expects you to have your shit figured out and suddenly you die a little inside… Well that went to a dark place.

On the bright side you can buy alcohol so… It’s not all bad!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Favorite Wake-Me-Up Smoothie!

I'm one of those people that loves drinking smoothies for breakfast! It is one of my favorite because it is super refreshing and it gives me a ton of energy to start my day with. There are so many amazing smoothie options out there and it can become very overwhelming very quickly! I have found my favorite smoothie for those mornings that I want a little extra pick-me-up and I thought I would share it with all of you. Here it is:

You will need:

  • One cup of spinach
  • One cup of mixed berries (I prefer frozen to make the smoothie cold but you can use fresh)
  • Orange Juice (If you like thinner smoothies use more and if you like thicker smoothies use less)

  • Blend!

It's as simple as that and it tastes absolutely delightful! I hope you guys try this recipe out and love it as much as I do. Thanks for reading! I'll see you all next time!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Rimmel London Exaggerate Liquid Eyeliner

If you know me,  you know liquid eyeliner is a must-have. I need it in my life. I cannot count how many liquid eyeliners I have gone through since I started wearing makeup regularly. I tend to just grab the first one I see in the drugstore, try it, and decide if I like it along the way.

This liquid eyeliner did not make my favorites list, unfortunately. Generally, I like the brand Rimmel. I think it's a good quality brand that is pretty affordable. But I wasn't a super big fan of this particular product.

My reason for that is 90% the applicator. It is a rock hard, pointed tip which is way to thick to even have a chance of making a thin line. The other 10% reason this is on my no-buy list is the formula. It has the tendency to smudge and weep especially in the inner corner of my eye. Not great.
It retails for $5.99 so it is an affordable option. But I have found other ones, even cheaper alternatives, that work better. This is one that I will not be repurchasing. 

Leave a comment below if you have a liquid eyeliner for me to try and, if you have tried this eyeliner, comment your thoughts. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

SwissVita Serum Review!

Hey guys!

So lately I have been trying to step up my skincare game so I decided to try adding a serum into my regimen. I received this serum from the company and decided that it was a perfect opportunity to try it out and see what this serum business is all about! I decided to make this review in a pros/cons list format because I like reading those the best and they are the easiest to navigate so here it is:


  • Feels moisturizing on my dry skin.
  • Comes in a handy squeeze tube (less mess)
  • Has collagen (fights aging!)
  • A tube comes with 1.76 ounces of product
  • Can be used both morning and evening
  • A little goes a long way!
  • Has a chemical smell (it is not very strong but it is there)
  • It is pricey! ($37.99)
To me the pros outweigh the cons! I like this serum and I think it is a great investment because I have definitely noticed a difference in my skins texture and brightness! I would recommend this!

FTC: I did receive this product free of charge but all opinions are 100% my own!

Friday, August 19, 2016

How To Grow Your YouTube Channel FAST!

1.       Be Consistent!
Probably the most crucial step in developing and maintaining a substantial following is to be consistent in your video posting. A lot of times you will lose subscribers interest when you go long periods of time without posting and that will result in them un-subscribing. You don’t want that! A great way to avoid that is to have a specific day set that you will upload a new video. I recommend posting at least once a week but you could even post every day if you have the time. Lord knows I don't. You could also either set aside specific days to film and edit your videos or else you could just work on them throughout the week!

2.       Utilize Social Media!
This is a great way to grow your channel that only takes seconds out of your day! To promote my channel I use SnapChat, Instagram, and Twitter. There is also Facebook and Tumblr as well as countless other sites that you can use to attract attention to yourself and your YouTube channel. All you have to do is make an account for your brand or use an existing account and then take time to post on them each day. I try to post on each account at least once a day and try to comment and like other people’s posts as well. It literally takes seconds and will make a huge difference!

3.       Interact With Subscribers and Followers!
This is a big one but it isn’t something that a lot of people think of! Interacting with the people that follow you is a huge deal because they are taking time out of their day and their busy schedule to watch your video and comment. You can pay them back by simply commenting back or tweeting back. I have had subscribers and followers tell me that it means a lot that I answer them. On my videos I try to answer every single comment that I get and on my social media I make it a point to like the tweets I get at the very least!

4.       Put Out Quality Content!
This one is a no-brainer but it really is super important! I have seen YouTube channels that seem to just pump out content just to get the views or the money but these channels very rarely do well. This is for two reasons. Reason one is that they don’t put effort into their videos. Sometimes they are un-edited or have bad lighting (We will talk about those in a second as well) and sometimes they are just not good videos. The second reason is that people can tell that the person is not being genuine. My advice to you is it is better to upload one great video a week than to upload seven crappy videos a week.

If you are trying to grow your channel and social media and frequent uploading are not giving you the exposure you want, try collaborating with other YouTubers! Find a YouTuber that has around the same amount of subscribers as you and either make a video together or you can each make a separate video that has the same theme, etc. This is a great way to get your channel name out there and start reaching a bigger number of people.

(I’d like to make a point to say this: try reaching out to people who have the same or very similar amount of subscribers as you! Don’t expect to collaborate with someone who has 10,000 subscribers when you have 37!)

I cannot stress the importance of a good thumbnail enough. It is the first thing people see before clicking on your videos. If you don’t have an interesting, bright, colorful thumbnail nobody is going to want to click on your video. I like to use Picmonkey.Com to edit my thumbnails. I will brighten them up, add some contrast so that they pop! Then I will add some text and even an emoji or two! If you have an interesting thumbnail you will have a ton more views.

7.       Edit Your Videos!
OK, so now that you have an awesome thumbnail and people are going to click on your videos. Now to make them watch the whole thing. Editing is super important for keeping the flow of the video going smoothly and to keep it interesting. You can edit out the long breaths, boring parts, and places that you may have rambled for long. You can also add music to your video to liven the entire video up. You don’t have to spend your next paycheck on one of those expensive editing softwares. If you are editing on a Windows computer you can use Windows Movie Maker. If you are editing on an Apple computer you can use iMovie. You can even find a ton of free editing software if you don’t have a computer and you are editing on your cell phone!

8.       Have Good Lighting!
This is one of those things that really affects the quality of your video. Having a bright video will really enhance it and make it more fun to watch. This is especially crucial if you are planning on doing makeup videos or anything like that. Again, you don’t have to drop a ton of money on super expensive lighting. Instead, park yourself in front of a big window preferably covered by a sheer curtain. This will provide perfect lighting for any video you want to film!

9.       INVEST!
Invest! Invest time, invest money, and invest effort into your YouTube channel! You will get out what you put in and if you work your butt off you will notice the results. You can invest money by saving up to get a good camera, a good computer, or even a new backdrop! Whatever you think will make your channel better!

10.   Be Yourself!

If you only take one piece of advice from this entire article, take this one because I really can’t stress how important it really is! People can tell when you are being fake. The whole point of YouTube is to broadcast YOURSELF and that’s what people want to see. Trust me, your channel will get so much more attention if you’re real!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Everyday Glam Makeup Tutorial!



  • Maybelline Fit Me Foundation - Dewy & Smooth - 110 Porcelain
  • Hard Candy Glamoflauge - Ultra Light
  • Maybelline Fit Me Powder - Set & Smooth - 110 Porcelain
  • Shea Moisture Illuminating Powder - Havana Sunrise
  • Shea Moisture Mineral Powder Foundation - Butterscotch
  • ELF Essential Blush - Blushing
  • Makeup Revolution Vivid Baked Highlighter - Radiant Lights
  • ELF Makeup Mist and Set Setting Spray
  • Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani Eyeshadow pallet
  • Rimmel ScandalEyes Liquid Eyeliner - 001 Black
  • Covergirl Full Lash Bloom - Very Black
  • ELF Matte Lip Color - Natural

For a full tutorial, check out my YouTube video here:

10 Tips To Help You Drink More Water!

By now everyone knows that one of the key points in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to drink a lot of water. Experts recommend that adults consume about two liters of water a day which usually ends up being about eight 8-ounce glasses. This is often referred to as the 8x8 rule.

Now I don’t know about you, but I usually slack when it comes to drinking water. I also tend to think that I have had a lot more than I really have. This can be an easy trap to fall into and it can end up leaving you dehydrated which can cause headaches, nausea, fatigue, and can actually reduce your brain’s ability to function properly.

With a lot of trial and error, I have come up with a couple of different ways to not only make sure you are drinking enough but also encourage you to drink enough. These solutions have worked great for me and have definitely played a major role in my ability to drink as much water as my body needs!


Hack #1 -- Carry it with you!
This may seem like a no-brainer and a lot of people probably already do this but carrying around a water bottle wherever you go will do a great deal in encouraging you to drink enough. When you have a bottle with you 24/7 you are more likely to sip on it even subconsciously.

Hack #2 -- Make your water taste yummy!
This hack is my personal favorite and the one that has definitely made the biggest difference when it comes to wanting to drink more water. What I like to do is cut up a lemon or two and put them into a pitcher. I will then fill the pitcher with water and put it in the fridge. I like to leave it overnight so that the lemon infuses the water with it’s juices. The next morning it tastes delicious and has the added bonus of the detoxifying properties of lemons!

(You can also do hack #2 with any fruit you like including berries, grapefruit, melons, or even mint and cucumber! Be creative and find what works for you!)

Hack #3 -- Use your smartphone!
Most adults have their smartphones with them 24/7 anyways so why not put it to good use! You can download a smartphone app that will actually track how much water you have consumed that day! This is amazing for that person (*Ahem* me) who thinks they drink more water than they do! With these apps you can put in what your daily activity level is, your weight, and your age along with a few small details that will vary with each app and it will give you an estimated goal of how much water to drink. Every time you drink you add it to the app. This makes it easy to track it and, for me, makes me want to drink more so that I can add another glass to the app.

(If you don’t want to download an app, an alarm on your phone about every hour or so will do the trick just as well!)

Hack #4 -- Water first!
A trick that I have found to be useful is this simple rule “Water first.” Confused? Stick with me. So basically, if I want to have anything besides water to drink (milk, juice, soda, etc.) Then I have to drink an 8-ounce glass of water first! This does two things. First, it makes sure that I am drinking enough of the good stuff and secondly, it tells me whether or not I really want to drink that other liquid. More times than I can count I have wanted to get a glass of juice and I have followed my rule of water first. After my water I have decided that I don’t really care for juice after all!

Hack #5 -- Water in, water out!
A great habit to get into is getting a glass of water after every bathroom break. This replenishes the water and prevents dehydration which is a big bonus. After a while you will find that you automatically go for a glass of water after you pee because you have trained your body to do that!

Hack #6 -- Eat your water?!
Okay, this one may seem a little silly but a great way to get some sneaky extra water into your body is to eat it! You can get great hydration from eating water-rich foods like watermelon, zucchini, grapefruit, and cucumber to name a few. These will not only do a great deal in improving your daily hydration but they will also make you feel amazing!

Hack #7 -- Start and end your day with water
We humans are creatures of habit. This means that we tend to follow the same routine everyday whether or not that is don consciously or not. One of the best things you can do is make the habits and the routine that you follow as healthy as you can. That is why I like to make sure that I drink a glass of water in the morning and a glass of water before bed. That way I am starting and ending my day on the right note. It is also a good idea to bring a bottle of water to bed with you so that you can drink some if you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night.

Hack #8 -- Drink with a straw
This one is great if not very sneaky. Drinking with a straw means that you will drink more and you will drink faster and the best part is you won’t even know anything is different. You can buy water bottles that have straws built into them so that you are mixing the best of both worlds and maximizing your water intake!

Hack #9 -- Dilute your juice!
This one is great for when you just can’t resist that sugary juice! Adding some water to it and making it a little bit less sweet and strong can be a great way to get some extra hydration! I have gotten to the point where juice that is fully flavored tastes sickeningly sweet to me and I absolutely have to dilute it! I usually like to go about half juice/half water but you can work with whatever ratios you want. You can start by adding a splash of water and building your way up to 50/50.

(You can also add sparkling water to juice to make a “homemade soda” type of thing.)

Hack #10 -- Hydrate before you eat.
I have noticed that drinking an 8-ounce glass of water before I eat has done wonders. Sitting down to eat is a great reminder to grab a glass of water. A bonus to doing this is that drinking a glass of water will curb some of the hunger. (Of course you should never substitute water for food. Your body needs food’s nutrients to survive as well!) I will sometimes even sip a glass of water while I eat but I try not to because it can hinder your body’s ability to digest properly.

(Drinking a glass of water after a meal can also be a really great habit to form.)

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Decluttering: Tips To Get You Started!

Decluttering. It is a tedious task but a very important one in order to keep your house tidy and organized. As humans, we tend to collect a lot of things and they add up fast resulting in a hoard. (*Ahem* Hoarders...) I have found that it is easier to go through your stuff and decide what you need and what you don't about every six months or so instead of waiting until spring every year and ending up overwhelmed. To help you guys out with getting some junk out of your life I have compiled a list of a few tips and tricks to get you headed in the right direction.

  1. The Hanger Trick
When you go to do your organizing and decluttering, turn all of your hangers backwards. Then when you wear something put the hanger back in the closet the right way around. Next time you go to declutter, take everything that you haven't turned around out and get rid of it. If you haven't worn it in six months time chances are that you won't be needing it.

      2. Out of sight, out of mind.

Sometimes it is really easy to set things on a surface such as a counter, a dresser, or a shelf and decide that it goes there. This may be because it will be easier to access or because you think that is a good place for it but I like to follow this simple rule: If you don't use it every day it doesn't need to be on a surface!

     3. Get rewarded for decluttering!

A great way to get motivated to get rid of more things is to sell them. You can sell any old clothes that are in good condition on Poshmark, Ebay, or at a local consignment shop. Anything other than clothes you want to get rid of you can sell on Ebay or have a garage sale! Then you can use the money you earn to buy things that you will use. 

     4. Get rid of duplicates.

This may seem like a no-brainer but you would not believe how many people hang on to three of the same pink cardigans "Just in case." This is, of course, a bad idea because you can only wear one pink cardigan at a time. The same goes for makeup, shoes, etc. Getting rid of duplicates can significantly downsize what you own and give the clothes you keep a better chance of being well-loved!

     5. Don't add to the mess!

This one is again a no-brainer but it is definitely worth mentioning! While you are decluttering and before you declutter, try to avoid purchasing anything new. This will set you back and add to the plethora of items you will need to go through. All it will end up doing is discouraging yourself. Instead, try rewarding yourself with something when you have gotten rid of everything you don't need. This reward could be a new pair of shoes that you have nothing like, that new leather jacket you have been eyeing, or a new piece of home decor. Whatever makes you happy can be a great incentive to work harder to declutter your home.

Decluttering is the first and most important step in becoming more organized and efficient in your home. Yes, it can be frustrating and stressful. It is definitely a lot of work but I can promise you that after it is done you will be able to sit back, breathe a sigh of relief, and enjoy your nice, clean home. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Hey loves,

Just wanted to come up here and give you all a quick update! So I have been working on getting on more of a regular schedule when it comes to my videos and blog posts. I want to grow my audience as well as get more content out there for you guys! So from now on this will be my upload/post schedule:

Wednesdays: YouTube Video
Saturdays: Blog Post

This of course does not change my daily vlogging in any way! Sometime in the future I'd like to move into doing two videos a week and having a day that I do baby/mommy related videos and a day that I do beauty/lifestyle videos. For now it would be a lot to take on so I'm gonna start small! :)

Thanks so much for all of your love and support!
I love you guys so very much!

YouTube channel:
Daily Vlogging Channel:

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Truth About Being A Freelance Writer... Spoiler Alert: It Sucks!

I have now been a freelance writer for almost 6 months and, frankly, it sucks. You submit thousands upon thousands of applications to do three hours worth of work and get paid $60 until god knows when when you will get another job that you will work three hours and get paid probably less.

It's hard to never know when your next paycheck is going to come, I was one of the lucky few who found a job in the first month or so that gives me consistent work. I love this job and I still work it every day. Unfortunately, I only make $300 a month right now! This is not anything against the client I have right now of course because he is great, but I need to vent. You can see where I am coming from when I say that freelancing sucks.

It's hard and exhausting and it sucks everything you have out of you to constantly get rejected. Spending hours scrolling through job postings hoping to find anything. It is exhausting.

The one good thing that I can say about freelancing is that it allows me to stay at home with my son. My beautiful, intelligent, adorable, chubby son. I get to cherish every moment of his life and I get to watch him as he grows and learns and becomes this amazing little boy.

That is why I freelance. That is the only reason I still have this job (not the consistent one. Let me reiterate I love that job) because, honestly, it might be harder than any job I have ever had. He keeps me going and he is what makes me get out of bed in the morning.

If you don't have a child and you are considering freelancing, definitely think long and hard about it before quitting your day job...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mamaway Prenatal and Postpartum Support Belt Review!

Hey guys!

Sorry to shove two "sponsored" posts at you in a row but I also wanted to talk about this product I received from Mamaway! When I received this I was very excited because I was under the impression that it was a waist trainer style product. This was not because the company lied to me or anything it was because I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION. So even though I did not need this product I still tried it out to do a review for you guys and so here it is:

Let's start with the good parts... This belt has metal boning in the back part to support your back. This would be very helpful for during pregnancy for obvious reasons as well as after birth because (no one tells you this but...) you are going to have a lot of back (and butt) pain after giving birth. The back support part goes way up the back to make sure that you have support everywhere but it is the most supportive of the lower back which is the most important anyways!

It has six different areas that fasten together. First is the main part that fastens together to secure the entire thing and that is the main source of support. the other four fasten to the belt itself which helps you to customize the way that you want the belt to fit. This really helps to ensure that you are getting the best fit and the best support possible.

Now for the not-so-good... These belts run very small in my opinion. As someone who usually wears a small, I expected the medium I ordered to fit perfectly (because I anticipated it to be a little small). However, the medium is still too tight unless it is the absolute loosest it can possibly be then it is a perfect, but still snug, fit. If you are planning on ordering I would definitely advise keeping that in mind. I'd also like to mention the fact that it had a strong chemical (and slightly fishy) smell when it came out of the package. That went away soon after it was opened though. I also wish the part that held the stomach was longer and covered more stomach area!

Overall, I think that it would work really well for a pregnant woman and probably decently well for someone more recently postpartum. For me personally it really didn't do too much I am sad to say. I wish that it had worked out better but maybe next time, Mamaway!

P.S. When I realized my review wasn't going to be 100% cheerful and I wouldn't be singing this belt's praises I contacted the company to see if they just did not want me to write this and they encouraged me to carry on with the 100% honest review. If you ask me that shows that this company has great morals and really cares about how their product is and what they are supplying to their consumer! This impressed me and I am very happy to work with this company!

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mamaway Ring Sling Review

The one product that one baby product I wanted the most when I had my son was a baby-wearing wrap/carrier/sling whatever. I never got one and I was super sad about it so when I got a chance to try this wrap out I jumped on it. My son is one of those babies that does not want to be put down and that makes it difficult for me to get anything done and that is where this comes in handy.

I really do like it! It is a nice color and the pattern is very boyish and adorable. The fabric is a soft but very sturdy, almost bedsheet-like material. I am glad that it is that type of material as opposed to cotton because I feel like cotton would be very droopy and not as sturdy or safe for this particular kind of baby carrier.

My son loves being in this and I love being able to put him in this and continue with whatever I am doing. I have worn this while cooking, sweeping, taking out the garbage, checking the mail, and just about anything else you can think of. It holds him well and doesn't pinch him.

One thing I will say is that you do need to switch the side that the sling is on the shoulder because it will press down on that shoulder and make it sore otherwise. I tend to switch it every half hour to hour depending on how long he is in the sling and this just helps to ensure that my shoulders don't ache later on.

Overall, I have to say that I really enjoy this sling. I think it is a really great product and it does it's job really well. I like the freedom it gives me and Ben loves that it lets me carry him pretty much constantly.

Here is a full review and demo:

You can buy it here:

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest, unbiased opinion. All opinions are 100% my own.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Packing List For Overnight Trips With A Baby

Going places overnight with a baby is difficult and stressful. It is a constant back-and-forth of "I think that's everything." and "What am I forgetting?!" After multiple overnight trips with my now eight month old I have basically found out what I need and what is not necessary. So to help all of you out I made up a list.

Some of these things may not apply to you and your baby. (I even added some that don't apply to my baby just to make sure I covered everything) Just ignore what doesn't apply to you!
  • Two pairs of pajamas (in case of a middle of the night diaper mishap)
  • Two outfits (because you just KNOW that if you only bring one something terrible will happen to it)
  • Formula and bottles (unless you breastfeed)
  • Soothers
  • Any lotions or things like that that you will use for his/her bedtime routine
  • Baby food and snacks
  • Spoons and bowls
  • Sippy cup
  • Blankets (A couple to be safe!)
  • Plastic bags (For dirty diapers)
  • Ziploc bags (For dirty clothes)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Pack N' Play
  • Stroller/Car seat
  • Breast pump (if you use one)
  • Diaper bag stocked with:
  1. Diapers
  2. Wipes
  3. 2 burp cloths or receiving blankets
  4. Baby powder or diaper cream (or both)
  5. Toys and books
  6. Changing pad
  7. First Aid Kit
These are just the things that I know make overnight trips easier on me and my son! If you have any additional things that I forgot to add please feel free to comment them! 

Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 20, 2016

101 Vegan Chocolate Recipes + GOING VEGAN?!

<a href="" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="" /></a> I have recently been arguing with myself about going vegan. With so many upsides when it comes to my health and energy levels and only a few downsides it was hard to talk myself out of it. One thing that I am constantly thinking when considering going vegan is how much I will have to give up or replace with something that is not as good. This was one thing that was holding me back.

After reading this book and seeing all the gooey, chocolatey recipes in it I have officially decided that I want to go vegan. This is not going to be an immediate thing because I am first going to transition into a vegetarian diet and then into a vegan diet some time in the future. Things like this can't just be decided overnight so I am going to take my time with it and do more research.

My favorite recipe in here is by far the chickpea blondies. They are so good and you would never have even guessed that their was chickpeas in it. I love that there is a really healthy and easy way to eat chocolate while still maintaining a vegan diet.

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.
<a href="" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="" /></a>

Monday, June 13, 2016

How To Properly Clean And Condition Your Makeup Brushes

I can't possible be the only person that struggles with cleaning makeup brushes. It's a hassle and sometimes it's difficult depending on what the brush was used for. That being said, it is crucial to clean them frequently to ensure that you aren't smearing bacteria on your face every time you apply makeup. Let's be honest it's kind of disgusting.

So to make all of your lives easier I decided to show you guys a really easy way to clean your makeup brushes using only two ingredients and a plate!

The things you will need:

  • Olive oil
  • Dish soap
  • A plate

Step 1:
Pour equal amounts dish soap and olive oil on to the plate.
Step 2:
Swirl your makeup brush in the mixture

Step 3: 
Massage the mixture into your brush until it is well coated

Step 4:
Rinse the brush!

WARNING! Your plate will end up looking like this:
But your brushes will go from looking like this:
To looking like this:
This method makes it so easy. The oil really does a great job of breaking down the makeup and making it way easier to rinse out as well as conditioning the brush so that you aren't left with a scratchy, dry brush!

Thank you so much for reading! I'll see you guys later! 

For a full video tutorial on this you can hop over to my YouTube channel:

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pray For Orlando

My heart is very heavy today with the news of the massacre in Orlando. At 2 a.m. in the gay bar Pulse a gunman killed fifty people and injured even more than that. It was an act of hatred and bigotry and is classified as a terrorist attack. The gunman, Omar Mateen, was a 29 year old man who was said to be an anti-gay extremist. According to reputable news sites he has been killed.The death toll makes this the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

I wanted to write this blog post for more than one reason. Reason one being to urge people to go donate to the GoFundMe page to help with this tragedy. My second reason is to urge anyone with a voice, big or small, to spread love in the face of blatant hatred and promote peace despite this chaos. The world is a scary, terrible place but we can fight to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again. I pray for all of the people and families affected by this terrible act of hatred. I can't understand what you must be going through but just know that there are people out there who care about you and are thinking of and praying for you.

GoFundMe page:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Moving Chronicles

Chapter One: My Room!

Today started late which is not really surprising as it seems like that is the new normal for us. Benjamin woke me up at around nine a.m. and we nursed, edited the video, then got up to have breakfast. But of course what would breakfast be without no clean dishes. My laundry is at my mom's house because I forgot it there when I went to visit and so that means that along with no clean dishes I also have no clean cloths to wash dishes with... Go figure.

So after taking a moment to bask in the chaos that is my household I figured it out and we ate breakfast and after that came nap time... Or should I call it wake-up-every-time-mommy-puts-me-in-my-crib time. So he slept for about five minutes in my arms and is now awake and eating a hanger. Does it make me a terrible mother that I am not stopping him? Maybe.

Anyways, I decided to start a project in my home in order to conserve some sort of sanity and some sort of delusion that I have any sort of control. That project is setting my room up. I have already set the nursery up and unfortunately when I set that up I moved everything that did not have a place into my room... Bad move. So this is what my room, if you can even call it that, looks like:

What a mess! I don't function well in mess at all and I become very lazy and very depressed so I think that it is definitely time to get this place cleaned up! 

After almost three hours, two naps, two diaper changes, and one poop explosion we are left with this:

Now that's a room! I am so happy that I cleaned it up because as much as I would like to have procrastinated I feel a million times better sleeping in a clean room and having my space be as organized as it can be right now.I still have a long way to go with this apartment but I have decided to take it one step at a time.

Until next time...

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Back And Better Than Ever!

Hey guys,

So let's start out by saying that I am so sorry for the HUGE break I took.  If you know me personally or follow my YouTube channels then you would know that I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

Unfortunately he did come a month early. Everything has just been crazy and hectic but I really do miss writing and having this outlet.

However, there will be changes to this blog. These changes will be that it will no longer be only a review blog but also a blog where I can talk about mommy related things, baby related things, beauty related things, DIY's my family, and my life. I want this to be an outlet for me to talk to you guys and vent!

Thanks so much for reading.
See you guys next time!